Mini blinds and other corded window covering products are one of the most widespread hazards in American homes today. The window covering industry estimates that as many as 600 million blinds and corded window covering products are in circulation in the United States, with corded window coverings in nearly 17 million American households with children under the age of six-years-old.
Despite the prevalence of these products in American homes, few realize the extent of their danger. Documentation from the Consumer Product Safety Commission and research from the Journal of the American Medical Association suggest over 768 children died on corded window coverings since 1973. Despite two retrofit/recall programs implemented by the window covering industry, mini blinds remain dangerous and defective, their cords killing a child every two weeks. Even new blinds touted by the industry as "child safe" kill children regularly throughout the United States.
Despite the staggering death statistics associated with mini blinds and other corded window covering products, the industry has done little to correct this hidden danger. Government and industry documents suggest the window covering industry willfully chose to ignore the problem out of fear that addressing the safety issue might adversely affect legal liability, or out of fear that their products would be at a competitive disadvantage, owing to the slightly higher costs associated with producing safe cordless products. As the Consumer Product Safety Commission placed increased pressure on the window covering industry to address the staggering death toll, documents suggest the industry went forward with a recall/retrofit programs knowing their efforts would be ineffective to address the known strangulation hazards associated with mini blinds and corded window covering products.
